Below, some of the works that were inspiring to me, or just got me all hot & bothered.

Jim Lambie (Detail from much larger work)

Jim Lambie (Belts)
Javier Téllez
Jonathan Monk
Francesco Vezzoli
Cameron Platter "Joyous Dreams Massager" Bronze
Jack Pierson
Cornelia Parker
Doug Aitken Matthew Day Jackson  (Detail from much larger work) Thomas Ruff  Anna Molska Shot from the ferry when arriving at Frieze we spotted a bloated Jeff Koons dog. Is it a dig by the awesome Paul McCathy?



Sad & also inspiring short documentary on the state of music/clubs in NYC.

Sad to watch the Dope Jam guys packing up their wicked store after 7 years, especially having been through the same thing with Breakbeat Science.
Inspiring to see all the cool, creative & in-it-for-the-love shit still going on!
My favorite line was the one when the guy is talking about how great the Mister Saturday Night loft parties are, he says something like "You see all the people not facing the DJ, just dancing" Thats the biggest thing I still cant get my head around with "EDM". What the fuck are they looking at?

What an incredible THING!!

Impossible to describe other than to say its a billion years condensed into a 4 minute video loop & it was one of the best art events i've ever been to.


1993 was no ordinary year.

The New Museum currently exhibiting a show called “NYC 1993: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star”
Its a time capsule showing many shifts in art & society at that time & in-particular New York City.
Because I was throwing events/raves from the late 80's to the mid 90s, I've been included in the bizarre but cool promotion for the museum's exhibition.
These 3 pay phones in Tribeca have a recording of me describing those times..
200 Hudson St
201 Hudson St
195 Hudson St
Play around on the link below, its fun to hear others from that time too.


Barry McGee retrospective at the ICA in Boston.

Max & I went on a road trip with the great guys from UGLY Gallery to the private opening, a day before the official public one.
We weren't actually on the guest list but managed to all talk our way in. Being uber-nerds were literally the first people in the museum.
I really dont have the vocabulary or writing skills to describe what an emotional experience it was, as Max & I entered each new completely empty area of the massive exhibition alone. It was almost overwhelming & admit I did choke up a little.
I literally shot hundreds of photos & it was hard picking just a few for the post. In no particular order, here's a selection of my faves that span from really early works & ephemera to the recent mind blowing geometrics...

The beautiful Margaret Kilgallen area. Max emulating the robotic version of AMAZE.

Felt super connected to the two below for some reason... The creative magic of TOMBOB's iPhone :)

Barry signing Max's Mets hat with a classic TWIST tag.


On the train home, it felt fitting to watch Beautiful Losers on the phone via Netflix.
By the time it got to the end I was crying again. Not simply because of the Margaret Kilgallen story, or the way Aaron Rose describes the feeling he gets by curating & seeing those faces but because I was so happy to have shared the whole experience with my son. He was simply embarrassed by his soppy dad.


DJ'd at opening of "Spectacle" -The Music Video 4/2/13 .

Played some music for the opening of "Spectacle" -The Music Video history.  Super fun event & I never knew the Museum of Moving Image was so cool!  Also nice to meet the legendary Vivien Goldman. Eve was a badass selector when she wasn't running around like a lunatic...

A real highlight for me was being given a private tour & getting up close to the actual Tyrell Corporation Building from Bladerunner!

thx @jeanniehopper for the pic.



DEEP was a party I threw on Saturday's in 1990. It ran for just over a year, bouncing between four or five downtown venues. By the end we were drawing up to 2000 heads & were dodging 5 separate authorities who were trying to catch us in the act & shut us down. 
I took this photo from the balcony of the Rapp Arts Center on 4th St between Avenues A & B. (I think its called the Connelly Theater now)
My partners, Dorian Chinner (RIP), DJ Frankie Inglese & Jack Luber & I would bring in everything, from the sound to screens & 10 projectors for my Warhol Factory/Rave/Avalon Ballroom inspired slideshows.

Family holiday Miami 3/18-23 2013

Cab from airport to hotel

Perfect temperature beach

Lincoln Road dash

Wow, she can be annoying! 

Fresh weatpaste

Discovery of flipped over Barry McGee truck (not really on show) at Margulies Collection.

Big Nara dishes at the Rubell Collection.

Life impersonating art

Experimenting with the iPhone 5

Found sticker spot of Lincoln Rd Enriquetas, mine & Max's fave meal of the trip.
