This was an instillation in 2004 that was under the glass floor in our shop.
List of some of contributing artists..
Jose Parla, Rey Parla, Faile, Bast, HAZE, RoStarr, Skott RAGE Johnson, Chris Mendoza, KR, Shepard Fairey, Ryan McGinness, Medicom w Adam Glickman, Kenzo, OJAS, Claw, WK Interact, INKHEADS, Katsu.
Some great art up for auction!
Todd James, Steve Powers & Kostas Seremetis, Rostarr & Greg Lamarche being my faves.
Todd James, Steve Powers & Kostas Seremetis, Rostarr & Greg Lamarche being my faves.
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This was really Paul Weston's idea & deserves more credit than I.
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Kinda of misses the point for me. Or rather gets straight to it, without the pleasure of the Café con leche .