Wandering around the LES yesterday with my friend Jeff Newman, not knowing what was showing, we decided to check out the Lehmann Maupin Gallery.
It's an exhibition exhibition titled "Big Girl Now" of new ceramic sculptures by Czechoslovakian-born and Sweden-based artist Klara Kristalova.
The name didn’t ring bells for us, but we both felt like we’d maybe seen this somewhere before. I thought maybe it was in the Rubell Collection, or maybe it reminded of others, it has a slight Marcel Dzama feel, or maybe its just the stuff of sub-conscience dreams.

The sculptures are largish, slightly unsettling hand-painted figures, that felt like they are all innocent and yet disturbing, dreamlike and even nightmarish, but for me feel very much feminine.
This is was not expected & really something special.
Lehmann Maupin gallery is at 201 Chrystie Street 10002. 
It closes on the 26th on April, don’t sleep.