"And/Or” - My first curated gallery exhibition.

Even though I’m not technically “art world” qualified to curate an exhibition, I’m super excited by Marquee Projects' invitation to do so & proud of the resulting body of works!

I’ve also come to understand that, even though I didn't know at the time, I've actually been curating since the age of 13.  I would make mixtapes. (Original mixtapes were simply collections of songs on cassette tapes made by using the pause button on a cassette recorder. No actual mixing was involved). I would give these tapes away to my 3 friends to show off my impeccable teenage taste.  As I grew older & became a DJ, I would be hired by clubs for the curation of my record selection. (As Paul Morris always said, “You’re a better selector than a DJ” ;) ) Success with DJ’ing led to record companies hiring me to curate compilations of particular styles of music. Even the books I’ve written & produced like STICKERS, ART SLEEVES & Sm;)e are simply curated collections of ephemera, record covers & images.

The “And/Or” show itself includes a combination of artists I’ve become friends with over my time in NY, who have worked with appropriation or works my family owns that won’t be for sale. 

Don’t cancel me for not having more female artists. I reached out to 4 or their galleries & either got a polite “no thanks”, or no reply at all.

Press Release from the gallery below..